
Showing posts from July, 2017

Seasonal food

What are your favourite fruits and veggies? Do you know when they're in season? Do you know where the food in your cupboard has come from? There are so many different foods on offer in our shops and supermarkets today that we are used to having whatever we want, whenever we want. But most of us rarely take the time to stop and think of the journey that food has made before reaching our shopping baskets. The food you buy may have travelled halfway across the world for your culinary pleasure. The term 'food miles' refers to how far food has travelled from source to shop. The more the food miles, the more the emissions of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, and air pollutants associated with transport of that food. On top of the energy used and emissions released during transport, transporting food also uses lots of energy in terms of refrigeration and transported fruit and veg are often picked when under-ripe then artificially ripened at their destination. These