
Showing posts from April, 2017

Save on packaging, save on money

In the modern world, it seems impossible to get away from packaging (although this inspirational woman has managed: ). Whilst a lot of packing can be recycled, it's MUCH more important to reduce waste in the first place. Why? Because producing the packaging in the first place requires resources, such as oil for plastic and wood for cardboard, the extraction of which causes some form of environmental and requires energy in the form of fossil fuel burning machines . The recycling process also requires energy and equipment. Reducing waste could even save you money, because if everyone reduced their waste Councils could reduce bin collections, which are paid for out of your council tax. What can you do? There's a few simple steps you can take to reduce your waste from packaging. 1. Take a packed lunch to work. Whilst your salad/sandwich/pasta box may not seem like a lot, the waste builds up if you buy your lunch every working day, or