Save on packaging, save on money

In the modern world, it seems impossible to get away from packaging (although this inspirational woman has managed:

Whilst a lot of packing can be recycled, it's MUCH more important to reduce waste in the first place. Why? Because producing the packaging in the first place requires resources, such as oil for plastic and wood for cardboard, the extraction of which causes some form of environmental and requires energy in the form of fossil fuel burning machines

. The recycling process also requires energy and equipment. Reducing waste could even save you money, because if everyone reduced their waste Councils could reduce bin collections, which are paid for out of your council tax.

What can you do?

There's a few simple steps you can take to reduce your waste from packaging.

1. Take a packed lunch to work.

Whilst your salad/sandwich/pasta box may not seem like a lot, the waste builds up if you buy your lunch every working day, or even a couple of days a week. Taking your own lunch to work can help cut down on waste massively. Try to stick to packing lunch in boxes, rather than cling film or tin foil if possible. If you feel short for time in the mornings, make your lunch the night before, make a little extra at dinner or cook a big batch of something at the weekend.


2. Buy unpackaged fruit and veg

Newsflash, there's no difference between apples in plastic packaging and loose apples. In fact, loose fruit and veg are usually cheaper than their packaged brothers and sisters.


3. Ditch the plastic bag

The introduction of the 5p bag charge has done pretty well on this front, but some of us still go to the shops unprepared. Why not keep one or two carriers in your bag, just incase?


 4. Cook from scratch

I love nothing more than good, home cooked food, and the more you cook from scratch, the less packing your food comes in. It can be as simple or as complicated as you like!


5. Buy less

We live in a society that tells us we need to buy 'x' and we need a new 'y' every month/season/year. But do you really need it? Do you even want it? Reigning in your purchases could save you money AND save the environment.


6. Buy in bulk

The bigger the pack, the less packaging per item/portion, and usually the cheaper per item. Buying your food/detergent/toilet rolls etc in larger packets can cut the packaging used by up to half. The same goes for 'concentrated' goods, e.g. Concentrated squash/puree/deodorant, because more of the product fits into the same amount of packaging.

If you have any more top tips for reducing waste from packaging, leave a comment!
